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♥Kit Yux3

♥TAN kityu♥.
NAPS X33 .
Sweet-11 <3
P5 tenacity are loved .

i wanna have a good future and lead a happy life. i loves my friends espcially WANW3N!(:

♥ Links

baby devil

♥ Wishlist

Adobe photoshop cs2/3
Stay with wanwen
Parents to less care about me

♥ Credits

shop: Adobe photoshop
♥ Wednesday, May 28, 2008

long time no see x3
do u noe that my smaller brother is such a pain in the butt he is a soreloser
yesterday i fall down in the school when i watching human reproductions
by the way i hate ..................................


{ Boy , I Love You . }

8:04 PM

♥ Sunday, May 4, 2008


today i went to cut my hair

finish already i knew it was so short but the weather was sooooooooooooooooo HOT xD
i knew that XXX was a stinky XXX piggy i knew that XXX just now bite a toy
and i gotta tell you, usuallly today sucks i mean sucks like hell
we had swimming lessons, at the end of the lesson at the deep pool 120cm we did back frog style stroke
after that, we went to katong mall to eat at Hanabi Resturant for lunch plus breakfast equals branch
even now,my hair cant be tied like carey but lesser hair then baby oreo


{ Boy , I Love You . }

5:05 AM

♥ Monday, April 14, 2008

today carey and seika friend .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............!!!!!!!!!!!
wathever i don't care.............!!!!!!!!!!!................!!!!!!!!!!!!........................!!!!!!!!.................


{ Boy , I Love You . }

3:48 AM

♥ Sunday, April 13, 2008


today mi n wanwen went out we went to time-zone we ride the

roller-coster... n take neo print...

got three neoprint place, two out of order only got one lol...

the roller-coster very fun lol like real


{ Boy , I Love You . }

4:31 AM

♥ Friday, April 11, 2008

yesterday i got nafa test lol..... my rank was no.17 n my time was 11.35 min
so sad that ww cannot run with us
when we were going to run that time not fair mr hoy let jia qi swee lin n jia yuan in front lol...........


{ Boy , I Love You . }

7:05 PM

♥ Wednesday, April 2, 2008

i just today mi n seika become friends
but i don wan to friend her mi n carey only wan to friend eling n ww.................
she everytime get angry when ask her a question she sclod us i dun y but hate her

{ Boy , I Love You . }

4:40 AM

♥ Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hi! its Fonuders day
Today the show is dam boring.......
Mrs Cheng speech is lame......
Tomo Yuki Yama jiayuan has a big mole n we x33 to make fun of him haha...........
and see him every day even in bus 55...............
today as sooo dam squeezed by boys,they were irritating

Eling always ask money from boys but who cares its their problem.................
Baby candy and baby devil have chinese dance at night for the last year have very good PSLE marks.And it is at 8.15 at night so late man
and we eat in the hall it was so fun that the boys beside me also eat
kidding !!!!!!!!!!
I hate my stupid timec table every day even sat and sun we had to study like so many hours u know its like no freetime to play computer its SHIT dude!!!!!
cannot watch television cannot play computer is like staying in jail even on sat and sun must wake up very early and must sleep at 10.30 every day..................

{ Boy , I Love You . }

7:42 PM